Wednesday, 3 January 2007

Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Sweet Jesus my Data is Back!

My hard drives are talking to me again, and i dont have to fork over $1k+ to get my data recovered. Oh glorious day!

Of course now I will end up spending even more money making sure my system never ever even gets close to failing again! but whatever

As a reminder, go make two backups of the shit you cant replace, because it can happen to you, and I just got lucky…


is the very hardest thing anyone can ever do. I can articulately romanticize it but I’m still remarkably terrible at it. It’s just so obnoxious and cumbersome. There is no impulsive gratification, and you lose track of it for a second and it seems like you have to start over from nothing. Its spinnable into all sorts of things that can seem pleasant, but you still have to break that shell. And for my part, the main part, looking up at some great amount of timeline left to make sense of – I must start being who I am instead of who I’ve become. That’s how you refuse to forfeit a second of your non-never-ending life.

“And so we beat on…boats against the current…” but instead born forward ceaselessly into the future, as far as hard work and blind optimism can take us.